9th Class Notes

Active Voice & Passive Voice Sentences English 9th

English is a very important subject in 9th class. Most of the students find it difficult to learn English. That’s why they fail in the English subject. To solve this problem of the students, we are going to share the Active Voice & Passive Voice for English 9th class. They are very easy. The students can easily learn them by heart and secure total 5 marks. Now let’s start to study easy Active Voice & Passive Voice for the the 9th class. Active Voice & Passive Voice Sentences English 9th

Marks Distribution For the 9th Class English Paper


Questions for The Part 1 (Objective Part)

Q.1: Choose the correct form of verbs and fill up the bubbles.05
Q.2: Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles.04
Q.3: Choose the correct meanings of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles.05
Q.4: Choose the correct options according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.05

Questions for The Part 2 (Subjective Part)

Q.2: Answer any FIVE of the following questions.10
Q.3: Translate any two of the following paragraphs into Urdu.
(OR) Re-write any two paragraphs into simple English.
4+ 4=8
Q.4. Write Down the summary of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost.
(OR) Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with Reference to the context.
Q.5: Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms into your sentences. 05
Q.6: Write a letter to ___________________________________.
(OR) Write a story with the moral ___________________________.
(OR) Write a dialogue _____________________________.
Q.7: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end.10
Q.8: Translate any FIVE of the following sentences into English.05
Q.8: Write 10 sentences on a paragraph ______________________. (For English Medium Candidates)05
Q.9: Change the voice of the following.05

Active Voice & Passive Voice Sentences for Class 9

In the 9th class English paper, the student has to change the voice of the sentences. The 5 sentences are given in the question no 9 of the paper. The student has to change the sentence either into Active Voice or Passive Voice. Active Voice & Passive Voice Sentences English 9th

34 Important Active Voice & Passive Voice Sentences

There are 34 important sentences. We are dividing them in 2 sets for the convenience of students. The students must learn them to get 5 marks.


1.She likes apples.Apples are liked by her.
2.The mother loves the children.The children are loved by the mother.
3.Khurshid helps Naushaba.Naushaba is helped by Khursheed.
4.The boy makes the picture.The picture is made by the boy.
5.We use milk for making cheese.Milk is used for making cheese by us.
6.We do not hear a sound.A sound is not heard by us.
8.The boy is climbing the wall.The wall is being climbed by the boy.
9.They are buying this house.This house is being bought by them.
10.Why is he mending the chair?Why is the chair being mended by him?
11.They have bought a horse.A horse has been bought by them.
12.They have not done their job.Their job has not been done by them.
13.She has not beaten the dog.The dog has not been beaten by her.
14.The Board has given me a gold medal. I have been given a gold medal by the board.
15.They caught the thief.The thief was caught by them.
16.A car ran over an old man.An old man was run over by a car.
17.He took away my books.My books were taken away by him.


18.The driver opened the door of the car.The door of the car was opened by the driver.
19.He praised the boy for his courage.The boy was praised for his courage by him.
20.She bought five videos.Five videos were bought by her.
21.She gave me five films.I was given five films by her.
22.The sudden noise frightened the child.The child was frightened by the sudden noise.
23.The doctor asked her to stay in bed.She was asked by the doctor to stay in bed.
24.Why did she write such a letter?Why was such a letter written by her?
25.She was teaching the students.The students were being taught by her.
26.The teacher was helping the students.The students were being helped by the teacher.
27.Why were they beating the boy?Why was the boy being beaten by them?
28.They had gained nothing.Nothing had been gained by them.
29.They had not done their home task.Their home task had not been done by them.
30.He had told me to do it.I had been told to do it by him.
31.He will write a letter.A letter will be written by her.
32.He will give you a box of chocolate.You will be given a box of chocolate by him.
33.We shall have killed the snake.The snake will have been killed by us.
34.The snake will have been killed by us.Our work will have been finished by us by March next.

Download Active & Passive Voice 9th

English Letters 9th Class

English Sentences 9th Class