9th Class Guess Papers

9th Class English Guess Paper BISE Gujranwala Board

English is a very difficult subject for Pakistani students. They find it rather tough subject. They cannot understand it. The Teachers also teach English through outdated methods. The students have to pay the cost for that. Their preparation remains uncompleted. It results in their failure in the paper. We are here to solve this problem of the students. We are here to share the most comprehensive English guess paper for the students of 9th class. But this guess paper is only for the students of Gujranwala Board. The reason is that each board conducts its own English paper for the 9th class. Therefore, some questions are irrelevant for them. We are going to share separate guess papers for every boar. It will help the students of every board to prepare the paper of 9th class English thoroughly. We now start the 9th Class English Guess Paper Gujranwala Board.

QUESTION No. 2 (Questions & Answers from Lessons)

This is the question of 10 marks. Total 8 questions are given in this question. The students have to answer 5 questions. Each correct answer carries 2 marks. There are 39 questions are given in the guess. The students must learn them to get 10 marks. Now the questions are given below. We have already shared the answers of these questions in a post. The students can learn answers from there. 9th Class English Guess Paper BISE Gujranwala Board. 9th Class English Guess Paper BISE Gujranwala Board


Q1 . What type of land Arabia is? 
Q2 . For which ability the Arabs were famous? 
Q3 . What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool (SAW)?
Q4. What was the first revelation?
Q5. Where is Makkah situated?
Q6. What type of competition was held at Ukaz?


Q1. As a citizen of Pakistan what are your duties towards your country? 
Q2 . What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?
Q3. Who led the Muslims of the subcontinent in their struggle for a separate homeland?
Q4. What is the highest military award of Pakistan?                                                                                
Q5. What does love of our country demand from us?


Q1. What is the most important function that media performs?
Q2. What are the two major means of communication?
Q3. What type of information does media provide?


Q1.What happened when Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique?
Q2. What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma?
Q3. “Her life would always be a beacon of light for all of us”. How?


Q1. What do the daffodils represent in the poem?
Q2. What “wealth” do memories of the scene give to the poet?
Q3. How does the poet feel in the company of daffodils?


Q1. How much confidence did Quaid-Azam has in his nation?
Q2. What can be the possible solution to our present problems?
Q3. How can we become a strong nation?


Q1. Why Sultan Ahmad Masjid is also known as Blue Masjid?
Q2. Who started the construction of Blue Masjid?
Q3.Who was appointed as the architect of the masjid?
Q4. Why was a heavy iron chain hung at the entrance of the court?
Or For what purpose does a heavy iron chain hang there?
Q5. How does the interior of the masjid look?


Q1. Describe some qualities of nurse in the story.
Q2.What is an ICU in a hospital?
Q3. To what extent does the recovery of a patient depend upon the doctor and the nurse?


Q1. What are the effects of drug addiction?
Q2. What are the causes of drug addiction?
Q3. Are drug addicts aware of the dangers of drugs?
Q4. Which environmental factors are responsible for drug addiction?


Q1. How do you define noise Pollution   -or-  What is noise pollution?
Q2. Why is noise dangerous for human health?
Or What harmful effects noise pollution is causing on human health?
Q3. What kind of precautions may reduce noise coming from electronic devices?


Q1. Who was Helen Keller?

QUESTION No. 3 (Translation from English to Urdu)

This is the question of 8 marks.. The students are given 3 paragraphs from the book. The students have to translate 2 paragraphs into Urdu. Each paragraph has 4 marks. The students of Gujranwala Board should learn the translation of following lessons to get 8 marks. 9th Class English Guess Paper BISE Gujranwala Board







QUESTION No. 4 (Write A Summary)

There are 2 summaries in the syllabus. The students will have to write one summary in the paper. The question will be of 5 marks. We have already shared very easy summaries in a post. Even the weak students can learn them easily and get 5 marks. 9th Class English Guess Paper BISE Gujranwala Board



QUESTION No. 5 (Use of words/phrases/idioms into sentences)

This is the question of 5 marks. Total 8 words are given in this question. The students have to use 5 words in sentences. Each correct sentence has 1 marks. There are 42 words are given in the guess. The students must learn them to get 5 marks. We have already shared the sentences using these words. The answers are written in a very easy language. The students can learn them to get 5 marks.

1. Influential2. Determination3. Delegation4. Quietly5. Urge6. Ignorance
7. Century8. Conquest9. Commendable10. Prosperity11. Nationalism12. Motherland
13. Sacrifice14. Responsible15. Geared up16. Global village17. A click away18. Raise awareness
19. Keep an eye20. Invasion21. Reveal the secret22. Mad with anger23. Fit of fury24. Alleviate
25. Migration26. Companion27. Refuge28. Determined29. Resolute30. Gave away
31. Bits and pieces32. Man in the street33. Raising spirit34.Pass through35. Fall a prey36. Impressive
37. Dexterously38. Spacious39. Humility40. Flamboyant41. Mouthpiece of downtrodden42. Constructive role

QUESTION No. 6 ( Write a letter or story or dialogue)

This question has 8 marks and is vast in scope. The students has 3 options. It’s up to them to write a letter. story or a dialogue. We have given 7 letters, 2 stories and 3 dialogues. We have also shared them in a post. The students can learn them from there. 9th Class English Guess Paper BISE Gujranwala Board

Option 1. LETTERS

3. Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on her success in the exams.6. Write a letter to your brother about the importance of the study of science subjects.
8. Write a letter to your friend requesting her to spend her spring holidays with you.10. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you some books.
11. Write a letter to your friend thanking her for the hospitality during your visit to her house.12. Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his mother.
14. Write a letter to your sister thanking her for a gift.


STORY 1: Write a story with the moral “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

STORY 2: Write a story with the moral “Look before you leap”.

STORY 3: Write a story with the moral “Haste makes waste”.

STORY 4: Write a story with the moral “All that glitters is not gold”.


DIALOGUE 1: Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student.

DIALOGUE 2: Write a dialogue asking one’s way.

DIALOGUE 5: Write a dialogue between a tailor and a customer.

QUESTION No. 7 (COMPREHENSION: Read the passage and answer the questions)

This question has 10 marks. One paragraph is given in the paper. The students have to read the paragraph and give the answers of questions in the end. There are 25 paragraphs in the syllabus. But we are giving only 12 paragraphs below. This is a confirm guess. If the students of 9th class of BISE Gujranwala BOARD learn these 12 paragraphs, they can easily pass the 9th class English paper.


PASSAGE No. 1 One day a wolf felt very hungry. He wandered here and there in search of food but he could not find anything to eat. At last, he saw a flock of sheep grazing in a pasture. He wanted to eat one but they were guarded by a hound. The shepherd’s son was also tending the flock vigilantly. The wolf found himself helpless. At last, he hit upon a plan. He hid himself in the skin of a sheep and safely went into the flock. The hound could not find out the wolf in disguise. He killed a sheep and ate it without being caught. In this way, he ate up many sheep and their number began to fall every day. The shepherd was greatly worried but could not find out the thief.
Q. 1 Why did the wolf wander about?
Q. 2 Did he find anything to eat?
Q. 3 Why was the wolf helpless?
Q. 4 How did he get into the flock?
Q. 5 Why was the shepherd worried?
Q. 6 Did he find out the thief?


PASSAGE No. 2 On a hot summer day, a fox felt very thirsty. He went about in search of water but could find water nowhere. At last he reached a well. He peeped into it. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell into the well. A goat happened to pass by the well and looked into it. She said to fox, “What are you doing here uncle?” The cunning fox replied, “Dear niece, I am enjoying a swim down here. It is very pleasant. Come down and enjoy yourself too.” The goat was also thirsty, she jumped into the well.
Q. 1 What happened to the thirsty fox?                      
Q. 2 Who passed by the well just then? 
Q. 3 What did the goat do?
Q. 4 What did the goat say to the fox?
Q. 5 What did the fox say in reply?
Q. 6 Why did the goat jump into the well?


PASSAGE No. 3 Once a stag was drinking at a stream. He happened to see his reflection in the water. He was pleased to see his beautiful horns, but when he saw his thin legs, he felt sad as he thought they were ugly. Suddenly he saw a pack of hounds at a distance. He ran as fast as his legs could help him. Soon he left the hounds far behind. He had to pass through a thick forest of bushes. His horns were caught up in a bush. He tried hard to pull his horns out of it but all in vain. By now the hounds had come up. They fell upon him and tore him to pieces.
Q. 1 What was the stag doing? 
Q. 2 What did he see in the water?
Q. 3 Why was he pleased?
Q. 4 What made him sad?
Q. 5 Why did he run?


Passage No. 4 King Robert Bruce ruled over Scotland. He had been defeated many times by the English. He ran for his life and hid himself in a cave. He had lost all hope to win. As he lay there thinking if he should give up his struggle or not, he saw a spider trying to reach its cobweb in the ceiling of the cave. It fell down again and again but did not give up its effort. At last the little insect reached its home in its ninth attempt. This gave courage to King Bruce. He made up his mind to fight and this time he won the battle.
Q 1. By whom had Robert Bruce been defeated many times? 
Q 2. Where did he hide himself?
Q 3. What did he see in the cave?                                   
Q 4. After how many attempts did the spider succeed?      
Q 5. What lesson did King Bruce learn from the spider?


PASSAGE No. 5 Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A.) was extremely kind-hearted and just to the people. His army had strict orders not to do any harm to the farmers, aged persons, women, children and other civilians. “They are the real strength of society”, he said, “They should always be treated with kindness and respect”. This was something new for the conquered people, who felt very happy now. The Iranian and Byzantine officers were very hard on them. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed’s treatment won their hearts so much that they began to hate their cruel old masters.                          
Q 1. How did Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A.) treat the people?                                                                       
Q 2. What were the orders given to the army?
Q 3. What did he say about the farmers and civilians?
Q 4. How had their former masters treated them?
Q 5. How did Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A.) win the hearts of the conquered people?
Q6. Why did the people hate their old masters?


PASSAGE No. 6 For three years, the master and all his relatives lived in this valley. Many of the Muslims too joined them. All supplies to the valley were cut off. The Makkans saw to it that no food or drink reached the Banu Hashim. The poor Banu Hashim had to live on the leaves and roots of trees and bushes. The condition of children was particularly pitiable. At last, some kind-hearted Makkans took pity on the Banu Hashim. They tore to pieces the agreement hanging in the Kaaba. The hunger stricken Banu Hashim were thus able to come back to their homes.
Q 1. Who lived for three years in the valley?      
Q 2. Who joined the master and his relatives?
Q 3. What did the Makkans do?
Q 4. How did the Banu Hashim live?
Q 5. What was the condition of the children?
Q 6. Who took pity on the Banu Hashim?


PASSAGE No. 7 Musa was in chief command, and the gates were in his charge. They had been barred when the Christians came in view; but Musa threw them open. “Our bodies”, he said, “will bar the gates”. The young men were kindled by such words, and when he told them, “We have nothing to fight for but the ground we stand on; and without that we are without a home or a country”, they were ready to die with him. With such a leader, the Moorish cavaliers performed feats of bravery in the plain which divided the camp from the city.
Q1.Who was the chief commander and what was in his charge?
Q2.When were the gates barred?
Q3.Who threw them open? 
Q4.What did Musa say?
Q5.What effect had his words on the young men?
Q6.What divided the city from the camp?


PASSAGE NO. 8 One day a girl found a coin. It rolled away before her broom when she was sweeping the yard, and fell with a little clatter against the wall. She ran and picked it up. Someone had dropped it while crossing the yard and perhaps had not even troubled to look for it. It was worth little. But it seemed a whole fortune to her, who never had anything of her own before. She rubbed it clean on the sleeve of her blue cotton jacket and put it into her pocket.
Q1. What did the girl find?
Q2. When did she find it?
Q3. How had the coin been there?
Q4. What was the worth of the coin?
Q5. Why was it a whole fortune for her?
Q6. How did she clean it?
Q7. What did she do after cleaning it?


Passage No. 9 There was once a man whose doctor gave him medicine which was quite black. His servant who was illiterate made a mistake and poured out a dose of ink in place of the drug. He gave it to his master who drank it. After the patient had taken the dose of ink the servant somehow realized his mistake. He ran back to his master and said, “Sir, I have given you a dose of ink instead of the medicine as both were equally black, what should be done now?” The master replied softly, “Now give me a piece of blotting paper to swallow”.
Q1.What was the colour of the medicine?
Q2.What did the servant give to his master?  
Q3.When did the servant come to know of his mistake?
Q4.What did the servant do?
Q5. What did the master say to his servant?


PASSAGE No. 10 There lived a monkey in a forest. One day he was going about in search of food as he was very hungry. At last, he entered the house of a farmer. There was no body in the house. The monkey found a hard vessel with a narrow opening. He put his hand into it. It had grains in it. He took a handful of these and tried to pull his hand out but he could not do so with his closed fist. After some time, the owner of the house came up. His dog was also with him. The dog fell upon the monkey and tore him to pieces. Thus, the monkey met his fate due to his greed.
Q1.Where did the monkey live?
Q2.Why did he enter the house of a farmer?
Q3.What did he find there?
Q4.What was in the vessel?
Q5.What did the monkey do?
Q6.Why could he not pull his hand out of the vessel?
Q7.How did the monkey meet his fate?


PASSAGE No 11. A tailor ran a shop in a bazaar. An elephant used to go to the river through that bazaar. The tailor gave him a bun every day. One day the tailor pricked a needle into the trunk of the elephant. The elephant became angry but went away. On return, he filled his trunk with muddy water. On reaching the shop of the tailor he put his trunk into it and squirted the dirty water into the shop of the tailor. All the fine and new dresses of his customers were spoiled. He was very sorry for annoying the elephant but it was no use of crying over spilt milk.
Q1.Where did the elephant go everyday?             
Q2. What did the tailor give him?
Q3. What mistake did the tailor make one day?
Q4. What did the elephant do after drinking water?
Q5. How did the elephant punish the tailor for his mistake?   
Q6. What is the moral of the story?


PASSAGE No 12. A man is known by the company he keeps. A good student should avoid the company of those who keep playing all the time. Many students miss their classes and seldom do their homework because some other fellow students do the same. There are hardworking students also who work while others play. They enjoy the games of their choice because they know that playing games is essential for health. A sick student is not so quick in learning his lesson as a healthy one.
Q1.What kind of company should a good student keep?
Q2.Why do some students miss their classes?
Q3.Why do good students enjoy good health?
Q4.Why are games necessary for students?
Q5.Where does the success of a student lie?

Download 9th Class English Guess Paper BISE Lahore Board

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