10th Class Notes

10th Class English Notes: Pair of Words

Pairs of Words 1-20

1.  Affect: Smoking affects health.

Effect: This drug has no effect.

2.  Advice: I need your advice.

Advise: I advise you to respect your elders.

3.  Altar: Bring the cow to the altar.

Alter: We altered our plan.

4.  Altogether: He is altogether mad.

All together:  We play all together.

5.  Angel: We cannot see angels.

Angle: Form an angle.

6.  Bail: He is on bail.

Bale: It is a bale of cotton.

7.  Bare: The trees are bare.

Bear: We saw a bear in the zoo.

8.  Birth: What is your date of birth?

Berth: I booked a berth.

9.  Beside: Sit beside me.

Besides: All left besides Ali.

10.  Brake: Hit the brakes.

Break: I broke a stick.

11.  Cold: It is very cold.

Cool: This water is cool.

12.  Cloth: I sell cloths.

Clothe: Change your clothes.

13.   Cell: I have a cell phone.

Sell: I sell books.

14.  Compare:  Compare the facts.

Contrast: Your action contrasts your words.

15.  Device: Computer is a device.

Devise: Devise a plan.

16.  Denied: I denied his statement.       

Refused: I refused to go.

17.  Dairy: I drink dairy milk.

Diary: I write a diary.

18.  Dew: The grass is wet with dew.

Due: Pay your dues.

19.  Die: Tom died.       

Dye: Dye your hair.

20.  Dose: Double this dose of medicine.

Doze: He dozed off in the class.

Pairs of Words 21-40

21.  Droop: The flowers drooped in the wind.

Drop:  Drop the gun!

22.  Elder: Respect your elders.

Older: You look older.

23. Eligible: I am eligible to vote.

Illegible: This text is illegible.

24. Accept: I accept your offer.

Except: All left except Ali.

25. Expect: I expected it.

Hope: Never lose hope.

26. Feet: Clean the floor.

Feat. I like magic feats.

27. Floor: Clean the floor.

Flour: I sell flour.

28. Fair: Be fair to all.

Fare: Pay your fare.

29. Foul: It is a foul play.

Fowl: I keep fowls.                    

30. Gate: Open the gate.

Gait: His gait is odd.

3I. Gaol: I am going to jaol.

Goal: Set your goals in life.

32. Heal: The wound will heal soon.

Heel: My heel hurts.

33. Healthy: He is healthy.

Healthful: This food is healthful.

34. Idle: Don’t be idle.

Idol: Imran Khan is my idol.

35. Invent: Who invented radio?

Discover: Who discovered America?     

36. Ice: The ice is melting.

Snow: Snow is falling.

37. Lose: Never lose hope.                                                                                                                  

Loose: Let the dog loose.

38. Lessen: Lessen your work load.

Lesson: Read the lesson.

39. Letter: Write a letter.

Latter: The latter plan is good.                                                      

40.  Liar: He is a big liar. 

Lawyer: He is a lawyer.         

Pairs of Words 41-60

41. Lovely: It is a lovely day.

Lovable: The baby is lovable.

42. Medal: I won a gold medal.

Meddle: Do not meddle in my affaIRS.

43. Meet: Meet me tomorrow.

Meat: I like to eat meat.

44. Metal: Gold is a metal.

Mettle: Show some mettle.    

45. Marry: She married Ali.

Merry: Eat, drink and be merry.

46. Miner: He is a coal miner.

Minor: It is a minor problem.

47. Necessity: Water is a basic necessity.

Necessary: Food is necessary for life.

48. Observation: He is under observation.

Observance: Ensure the observance of law.

49. Profit: He made a profit on the car.

Prophet: Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the last Prophet of Allah.

50. Popular: He is a popular actor.

Populous: Lahore is a populous city.

5I. Principal: He is our school principal.

Principle: He is a man of principle.

52. Peace: We want peace.

Piece: It is a piece of cake.

53. Pray: Pray for my success.

Prey: Hawk is a bird of prey.

54. People: A lot of people saw the match.

Peoples: Many peoples live in Pakistan.

55. Pore: Our body has many pores.

Pour: Pour me some water.

56. Quiet: Be quiet.

Quite: I am quite good.

57. Respectable: He is a respectable man.

Respectful: Be respectful to others.

58. Reign: Reign the horse.

Rain: It is raining.

59. Robbed: I got robbed.

Stolen: My car was stolen.

60. Role: Imran Khan is a role model.

Roll: Roll the dice.  

Pairs of Words 61-77

6I. Root: Define root system.

Route: Take that route.  

62. Story: It is a long story.

Storey:  My house has two storeys.

63. Sail: The ship sailed yesterday.

Sale: This car is for sale.

64. Sink: The ship is sinking.

Drown: A child fell in the river and drowned.

65. Stationary: The sun is stationary.

Stationery: I sell stationery.

66. Sole: He is the sole winner.

Soul: Soul is immortal.

67. Scene: What a lovely scene!

Seen: Have you seen my pen?

68. Teach: I teach English.

Learn: Learn your lesson.

69. Team: We are a team.

Teem: Seas team with fish.

70. Urbane: His manners are urbane.

Urban: I like urban life.  

7I. Vain: I tried in vain.

Vein: Blood runs in vein.

72. Wine: The Muslims do not drink wine.

Wine: We have grape vine.

73. Waste: Do not waste your time.                                       

Waist: What is your waist?                             

74. Write: Write a letter.       

Right: You are right.                                                                                               

75. Wave: Daffodils were waving in the breeze.            

Waive: The law was waived off.                       

76. Way: Go that way.

Weigh: I weigh 50 kg.

77. Weak: He is very weak.       

Week: See you next week.

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